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Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami, Inc.

Malcolm Ross


10/19/23, 7:00 PM


Bryan P

Training Type:



Next Training Needed:

Next Training Date:


Had a private training with Estephany and her newer colleague today. It was a Q/A for them mostly. They just got a new Kiosk (their first) and it's setup at the Malcolm Ross site. They plan on going live with it in November.

We started today's session going over how to clean up, merge, hide, and edit templates. I also helped them flip their Kiosk sort by to TIME and their roster settings to show and sort by time checked in. They are going to rely on roster printouts for how and who to serve meals to in order of sign up.

We then talked about getting some person reports. Estephany uses a custom field called "Location" and it's a textbox with a number. The number is unique to them and helps track which senior belongs to which sites. I tried showing how the enterprise setup also does this, but they go the extra step. She is emailing our team a list of who should be at what site with which custom location # and I said we could do our best to update everyone accordingly both by linking them to the right site but also make sure their custom fields reflected correctly too.

From there, we went a bit into MAC. I showed them old MAC and walked through how it worked. They don't want to go live with that yet and didn't have a lot of questions. I think that's a back-burner idea.

Estephany is also emailing us to have a data person here update EVERYONE from EVERY site to Spanish as their language on file. She likes the idea that the kiosk will auto convert. 98% of their members cross-site are Spanish speakers.

We wrapped up with how to track donations. Easy enough and straight forward. Showed her how to create a general donations "person" to track her donation box end of each day. Also reminded them of MyTutorialCenter. We briefly talked about Broadcasts near the end too.

Did not record session.



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