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Update City / State / Zip / County Information


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Bill H





Apr 18, 2022

Last Updated

Oct 15, 2022



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Date Due

Oct 14, 2020

Date Completed

Oct 14, 2020


The following is the criteria I propose to ask MSC to clear the city / state / zip information for records without address information so that our reporting represents accurate information. The records will end up in the ?Out of Town? statistics with the City listed at the top of the list with ?blanks?. I also found some records that do have valid address/city/st/zip but where the county is currently empty. Thank you? To clear the city/state/zip/county fields for records without address information: If the following is true: Address is empty And Address2 is empty And PO Box is empty And City = Portage And State = MI And Zip = 49002 And County = Kalamazoo Then update the record so that: City is set to an empty field State is set to an empty field Zip is set to an empty field County is set to an empty field As of 9/25/2020, the above criteria applies to 1,452 records. To clear the city/state/zip/county fields for records with address information fields having the word ?Unknown?: If the following is true: Address = Unknown And Address2 is empty And City = Unknown And State = US And Zip = Unknown And County is empty Then update the record so that: Address is set to an empty field City is set to an empty field State is set to an empty field Zip is set to an empty field As of 9/25/2020, the above criteria applies to 57 records. To set the county field to Kalamazoo for records where the county field is empty and city is either Portage or Kalamazoo and where there is information in the address field: If the following is true: County is empty And Address is NOT empty OR Address2 is NOT empty And City = Portage OR City = Kalamazoo Then update the record so that County = Kalamazoo As of 9/25/2020, the above criteria applies to 358 records.

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