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Dover Senior Center

Xavus Employee:



Billy J

January 14, 2022 at 5:15:00 PM

Amee Tejani

Best Contact:



General Q&A



<p>Had a long call with Amee (Ah-me), who is new to the center and MSC as of Sept. 2021. She had lots of questions, and feels like they&#x27;re under utilizing MSC. After talking with her, I can certainly agree.</p><p>?</p><p>In particular, they have a Grab and Go Meal event which they keep track of via spreadsheet and only register people to <span style="font-style:italic">after</span> the event has occurred. The main reason for this is being able to keep notes per each attendee. &quot;Bob is picking up Sally and Dan&#x27;s meals&quot;, &quot;No ketchup on Frank&#x27;s hot dog&quot; That sort of thing.</p><p>?</p><p>I suggested pre-registration and/or a mobile scanner as an option but they are hesitant to leave the safety of their spreadsheets.</p><p>She&#x27;s hoping for private training, especially on-site if possible, to help them overcome their inefficiencies. She also had very specific questions about Zoom, Volunteer roles and Phone logs.</p>


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