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Al S


Specific Ride Pickup/Destination Time Change


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Al S





Apr 18, 2022

Last Updated

Oct 15, 2022



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Date Due

Apr 2, 2021

Date Completed

Apr 7, 2021


Jennifer needs to basically do a 'Edit Rides in Range'. They want to change the Pickup Time / Destination Time for a specific set of People. (I don't think the 'day of the week' matters... And if you use the Time to identify the rides to update, it should be fine based off what I explained to them on the phone) Every Tuesday and Thursday ? (SeniorID: 849)Barb Findley from 10:30 to 10:45 for pick up ----10:50 destination time to 11:00 ? (SeniorID: 1007)Linda Gioupis from 8:30 to 8:50 for pick up ---- 8:50 destination time to 9:00 ? (SeniorID: 2745)Gerald Smith from 9:30 to 9:50 for pick up---- 9:50 destination time to 10:00 ? (SeniorID: 8230)Mildred Poole from 9:30 to 9:45 for pick up ---9:50 destination time to 10:00 Every Monday and Wednesday ? (SeniorID: 2571)John Schmidtman from 10:20 to 10:45 for pick up ------ 10:50 destination time to 11:00 ? (SeniorID: 1807)Florencia Madden from 8:30- 8:45 for pick up ---- 9:50 to 10:00 for destination time Every Monday and Friday ? (SeniorID: 2393)Bill Riekels from 9:45- 9:50 AND 9:55 TO 10:00 DESTINATION I took a look at this, but the linking of transportation is just... I'm not really sure. Too much for me to comprehend currently. So thank you (I told her we could do this, because at the time I'm like... Easy, one line script, right?) -.- Script From Bill-- USE [WEB_MI_SAINTJOSEPHWEB] GO --update pickup times SELECT [Trans_Ride_ID] ,[Trans_Ride_SeniorID] ,[Trans_Ride_Vehicle] ,[Trans_Ride_Driver] ,[Trans_Ride_Category] ,[Trans_Ride_Date] ,DATENAME(dw,Trans_Ride_Date) as 'Day of Week' ,[Trans_Ride_Pickup] ,convert(varchar(5),trans_Ride_PickupTime,108) as 'trans_Ride_PickupTime' ,[Trans_Ride_Dest] ,[Trans_Ride_Provider] ,[Trans_Ride_Fee] ,[Trans_Ride_Delivered] ,[Trans_Ride_Notes] ,[Trans_Ride_Sponsor] ,[Trans_Ride_MasterID] ,[Trans_Ride_SubCategory] ,[Trans_Ride_Mileage] ,[MobileScanner] ,[VehicleID] ,[Driver_SeniorID] ,[RideName] ,[siteId] ,[old_trans_id] ,[Account_ID] FROM [dbo].[Trans_Rides] --update [Trans_Rides] set trans_Ride_PickupTime = '09:50' where ( (DATENAME(dw,Trans_Ride_Date) = 'Monday' or DATENAME(dw,Trans_Ride_Date) = 'Friday' ) and convert(varchar(5),trans_Ride_PickupTime,108) = '09:45') and [Trans_Ride_ID] in (SELECT [RideID] --,[SeniorID] FROM [dbo].[Trans_Riders] where seniorid = 2393) --update destination times USE [WEB_MI_SAINTJOSEPHWEB] GO SELECT [ID] ,[RideID] ,[LocationID] ,convert(varchar(5),DestTime,108) as 'trans_Ride_DestTime' ,[SortOrder] FROM [dbo].[Trans_Ride_Destinations] --update [Trans_Ride_Destinations] set DestTime = '10:00' where id in ( SELECT --[ID] --,[Trans_Riders_ID] [Trans_Ride_Destinations_ID] --,[Delivered] FROM [dbo].[Trans_Riders_Destinations] where Trans_Riders_ID in (SELECT [ID] FROM [dbo].[Trans_Riders] where [SeniorID] = '2393')) and convert(varchar(5),DestTime,108) = '09:55' GO GO

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