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MySeniorCenter Spring Cleaning

When the chill of winter departs and the days get a little longer, it can be a natural inclination to do some spring cleaning. That's as true of databases as it is of garages. Our own Bill Henderson, aka Mr. Clean, has offered to help you do some spring cleaning of your MySeniorCenter system. If you're interested, here's an overview of what he can do for you. You’ll start by having a quick call to discuss exactly what will be done, make sure you understand the process, and give you a chance to ask questions. Then comes the cleaning. Below is a list of some of the tasks that could potentially be performed and the benefit of doing so. After the initial conversation other tasks may be defined as well. You can contact to set up a time to talk.

  • Mass Archive any people that have not been to the center in at least a year. This will keep your list of people under the people tab nice and neat so you can display just the “active” people. You can always view archived folks if need be and even restore them.

  • Mass archive event templates that are no longer being used. This will make your list of event templates nice and neat so it only displays active templates. Archived templates can always be restored if need be.

  • Merge duplicate event templates if they exist. This will ensure your statistics are easy to read and the events tab is organized.

  • Make sure all category/type lists, for example the event categories, are neat and orderly and update them if necessary. This will ensure your statistics are easy to read.

  • Clean up old payment data if necessary. Some centers find they have many unpaid payments for individuals they didn’t realize were getting created. We can clean this up and make sure you have a full understanding of the payment system.

  • Deactivate volunteers that no longer volunteer. This will make it easier to manage your volunteer  team

  • Mass correction of misspelled cities and normalization of format. This will keep your location statistics neat.

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